Second Telecom Summer School
8 - 13 September 2008
Organizers: Graduate School in Social, Economic and Political Sciences, University of Milano and Telecom Italia.
Chiara Fumagalli, Bocconi University
Massimo Motta, University of Bologna and European University Institute
Jorge Padilla, Partner LECG
Claudio Tesauro, Partner Studio Bonelli Erede Pappalardo.
General Description: The summer school provides an advanced intensive training course for research students, scholars and professionals who are working in the area of the economics and policy of competition and market regulation. It combines training in:
i) the institutional and legal features of competition policy in the EU compared to other regions;
ii) the economic and theoretical underpinnings of market regulations;
iii) the analysis of case studies.
The lecturers are leading international academics and professionals with outstanding experience in the field.
Participants: The school is open to 30 students from all countries. Students are expected to attend the school full time.
The results of the selection phase will be communicated directly to the applicants by e-mail.