NASP is greatly interested in improving the quality of teaching of its courses. To this purpose NASP students have the opportunity to evaluate each single course by filling out an online questionnaire.
• To assess courses included among the NASP common courses, click HERE.
• To assess courses specific to ESOL PhD program, click HERE.
• To assess courses specific to POLS PhD program, click HERE.
• To assess courses specific to SOMET PhD program, click HERE.
NASP invites every student to express her honest opinion on the teaching activities she attended. The answers supplied are recorded and processed in anonymous forms, and copy of the evaluations will be provided to the NASP scientific coordinator and faculty by CTU (Centro per le tecnologie e la didattica universitaria multimediale e a distanza).
Suggestions for a proper compilation
Access the Ariel-CTU Evaluation platform using your Unimi mailbox username and password.
Fill out and send a questionnaire for each single course you attended.
Please, fill out the questionnaire as soon as each course is concluded. In this way, more reliable and accurate information can be provided and students do not forget to make the evaluation.
The correct completion of the teaching evaluation questionnaires is a responsibility of each Ph.D. student.
Should you experience any trouble to LOG in the Ariel Teaching Evaluation platform, please send an email to Antonella Cosetti (CTU Staff Member - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) in order to report your problem, specifying your name and surname and your UNIMI email address. This will help to solve the problem more quickly.