Cohort: POLS 38°
Topic of the thesis: Parliament in a Westminster System: The case of the Israeli Knesset
Abstract: Democracies established in former British territories have been influenced by Westminster politics. The same can be said of the state of Israel and its democracy. despite the fact that the British Mandate is still very strong in Israel today, little has been written about how it may have influenced the formation of the Israeli Parliament, its oversight abilities, and the relations between its executive and legislative branches. The major objective of this study is to understand the Matrix within the Israeli parliament as an institution formed and understand its possible effects on the current Israeli parliament as a vital institution in its democracy. Employing comparative political analysis in an in-depth examination of the formation of the Israeli parliament and its present challenges, this study will contribute to reshaping the executive-legislative relationship in Israel and argues for a reassessment of the role of parliament in democratic governance. Furthermore, this project contributes to the academic discourse on Westminster systems and their politics and their current outcomes.
Research interests: Institutions, Executive - Legislative relations, Parliaments, Public Policy
Graduated from: MA - Tel Aviv University BA - The Open University of Israel
Degrees obtained: MA in Security Studies BA in Political Science, International Relations and Communication
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