Cohort: POLS 38°
Topic of the thesis: The emphasis of green issues in political competition and the incentives to highlight them
Abstract: Starting from the literature about political competition and about environmental issues, the goal of the project is to contribute to the study of the emphasis of green issues in politics and the conditions under which political parties are incentivized to draw attention to them. In order to look for a causal explanation of different levels of emphasis of environmental and sustainability issues in a comparative perspective, an analysis of survey data and political parties' manifestos will be implemented, respectively from European Values Study and Comparative Manifesto Project, and also parliamentary speeches. Different statistical techniques are going to be implemented to test the hypotheses of the research. In particular, the project will look for the possible effect of the parliamentary representation of green parties on the emphasis that the other parties give to green issues through a Regression discontinuity design, taking inspiration from the study of Abou-Chadi and Krause (2018). Considering the case of the emphasis of green issues will hopefully help understand not only more about such a discussed topic, but also more about political competition, and party competition, in general.
Research interests: Party politics, Valence politics, Spatial theory of voting, Green issues
Graduated from: Università degli Studi di Milano
Degrees obtained: Bachelor's degree in Scienze Politiche and Master's degree in Public and Corporate Communication (curriculum: Data Analytics for Politics, Society and Complex Organizations)
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