International Summer School
"Global Crisis, Welfare Responses and Social Inequalities"
co-organized by
Doctoral School in Sociology and Political Science – Sociology Programme (University of Turin)
Graduate School in Social, Economic and Political Sciences (University of Milan)
Collegio Carlo Alberto, Moncalieri (Turin)
Venue: Collegio Carlo Alberto, Moncalieri (Torino)
Date: 13 - 17 September 2010
The analysis of the changing nature and degree of social inequalities, which has been accelerated by the global crisis, is central to the understanding of the specific social outcomes of different countries and the performance of their changing welfare regimes.
The summer school is devoted to the presentation and discussion of the main competing theories on social inequalities in the field of education, labour market and quality of life and along class, gender, ethnicity and generation cleavages. Research applications are taken from the comparative analysis of large scale micro data sets available from international institutions. The comparative approach is also applied in the analysis of the welfare responses and changes, using data sets on countries at macro level. Recent advances in multilevel analysis and panel data techniques are presented alongside the empirical applications.
The summer school is devoted to PhD students and young researchers, who have the opportunity to be updated on the most prominent emerging theoretical trends in the area of welfare and inequalities and on the cutting edge research approaches and techniques.
The organization of the Summer School is centred around morning lectures on the state of the art of a given topic, given by a scholar of international standing and a discussion among participants. The same scholar will chair the afternoon session where participants present their papers related to the topic together with a peer discussant. This is an opportunity for participants to have suggestions about their on going research or PhD completion.
The summer school lasts one week, on five days of lectures given by five scholars.
Applications should be addressed to Ms. Paola Ghione (
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) by July the 5th.
Participants are asked to present a paper and will be selected according to:
1. the quality of their paper abstract (up to two pages);
2. two academic reference letters;
3. a brief CV.
Up to 25 participants are admitted and hosted at the expense of the organizing institutions. The fee is 150 euro. Contributions to travel expenses are available for candidates from countries of cat. B and C of ISA.
Scheduled lecturers:
Gunn E. Birkelund (University of Oslo), Social stratification and labour market
Hans-Peter Blossfeld (University of Bamberg), Life course chances
Tak Wing Chan (University of Oxford), Education, class and income attainment
Frank van Tubergen (University of Utrecht), Ethnic inequalities in comparative perspective (tbc)
Chiara Saraceno (WZB Berlin), Gender inequalities
More information on:
with the financial support of Compagnia di San Paolo
Organizing Committee: Antonio M. Chiesi (University of Milan), Carmen Belloni (University Turin), Adriana Luciano (University Turin), Marco Maraffi (University Milan), Arnaldo Bagnasco (University Turin and CISS), Tiziana Nazio (University Turin).