29th June - 1st July 2009
Palazzo Feltrinelli, Gargnano, Brescia.
Organized with the support of:
Dipartimento degli Studi Sociali e Politici dell' Università di Milano
Graduate School in Social, Economic and Political Sciences
Società Italiana di Scienza Politica
Università degli Studi di Milano
As with the first conference, held in Settignano (FI) in 2006, this second edition is intended to give to the Italian and foreign students enrolled in an Italian Political Science graduate school the opportunity to present and discuss the progress of their thesis both with their colleagues committed to the same discipline and teachers presents at the conference.
Detailed Program
Monday, 29th June 2009
3 p.m.
Kaare Strom (discussant) - Panel on "Government and Parliament"
Alessia Damonte (discussant) - First Panel on: "Public Policies"
4.30pm Lectio magistralis The perils of parlimentary democracies, Prof. Kaare Strom
6:30 p.m.
Francesco Zucchini (discussant) - First panel on: "Democratization"
Paolo Bellucci (discussant) - Second Panel on: "Public Policies"
Tuesday, 30th June 2009
9:30 a.m.
Giorgio Fedel (discussant) - Panel on: "Political Theory"
Gianfranco Pasquino (discussant) - First Panel on "Political Parties"
11:30 a.m.
Leonardo Morlino (discussant) - Second Panel on "Democratization"
Mauro Calise (discussant) - Panel on "Political Behaviour"
Andrea Locatelli (discussant) - First Panel on "International Relations"
2.30pm Plenary Session: Roundtable on
Scienza politica e politica: è possibile una fruttuosa collaborazione?
Mauro Calise, Leonardo Morlino, Angelo Panebianco, Gianfranco Pasquino, Salvatore Vassallo (awaiting confirmation).
Moderatore: Marcello Sorgi
5:30 p.m.
Nicola Pasini (discussant) - Panel on "Local Government"
Maurizio Cotta (discussant) - Second Panel on "Political Parties"
Wednsday, 1st June 2009
9:30 a.m.
Marco Brunazzo (discussant) - First Panel on "European Studies"
11:30 a.m.
Serena Giusti (discussant) - Second Panel on "European Studies"
Andrea Carati (discussant) - Second Panel on "International Relations"
PAPER ROOM AVAILABLE: click on the panel you are interested in to download them
For further information, please contact:
Dr. Luigi Curini
Department of Social and Political Studies
University of Milan
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