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POLS PhD students' publications
Below the list of scientific publications of the PhD students in Political Studies, Cohorts 32°-38° (published in 2020-2023).
The full list of research outputs of each PhD student/graduate is available in the repository
Shahzad-van der Zwan, Gul-i-Hina (2023), "Chinese Linkage and Democracy in Pakistan", in: Mihr, A., Sorbello, P., Weiffen, B. (eds) Securitization and Democracy in Eurasia. Springer, Cham.
Aslan, R.G. (2022), "Agency problems in the private pension system of Turkey: pension sector employee perspectives", Qualitative Research in Financial Markets, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
Corda, T. (2022). "Constraining compliance? Reconsidering the effect of domestic veto players on sanctions success", Defence and Peace Economics, ahead of print. DOI: 10.1080/10242694.2022.2158288
Icardi, E. (2022), "Perché limitare l'eccessiva ricchezza individuale? Ragioni e problemi del limitarianesimo", Biblioteca della libertà, n. 233, pp. 1-27, DOI 10.23827/BDL_2022_1.
Mandelli, M. (2022), "Understanding eco-social policies: A proposed definition and typology", Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, vol. 28, n. 3, pp. 333–348.
Mandelli, M. (2022), "Mapping eco-social policy mixes for a just transition in Europe", European Trade Union Institute, Working Paper 2022.15, Brussels: European Trade Union Institute, ISSN: 1994-4446 (print version), ISSN: 1994-4454 (electronic version).
Jessoula, M. and Mandelli, M. (2022), "Eco-Social Mobilization at the Supranational Level? The Case of 'The Right to Energy for All Europeans' Coalition", in: Hvinden, B., Schøyen, M.A. and Leiren, M. (eds.), Social Policy and Climate Change: Towards Sustainable Welfare States in Europe, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 220-239.
Sabato, S., Mandelli, M. and Jessoula, M. (2022), "Towards an EU Eco-Social Agenda? From Europe 2020 to the European Green Deal", in: Hvinden, B., Schøyen, M.A. and Leiren, M. (eds.), Social Policy and Climate Change: Towards Sustainable Welfare States in Europe, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 199-219.
Shahzad-van der Zwan, Gul-i-Hina (2022), "Chinese linkage in Asia", Asian Studies, The Twelfth International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 12), Volume 1: 640-649.Doi:10.5117/9789048557820/ICAS.2022.074
Bazzan, G. (2021), Effective Governance Designs of Food Safety Regulation in the EU. Do Rules Make the Difference?, London: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-82793-9.
Bekana, D.M. (2021), "Capitalist Diversity and Change: Recombinant Governance and Institutional Entrepreneurs", International Journal of Public Administration, 44(2): 177-180,
Casiraghi, M.C.M. (2021), "Weak, politicized, absent: The anti-mercenary norm in Italy and the United Kingdom 1805-2017", Journal of Global Security Studies, 6(1),
Casiraghi, M.C.M. and Curini, L. (2021), "When the worlds of preferences collide: Determinants of MP's attitudes on the Italian Questione Romana 1861-1870", Parliamentary Affairs, published ahead of print,
Casiraghi, M.C.M. (2021), 'You're a populist! No, you're a populist!' The rhetorical political analysis of a popular insult in the UK 1970-2018, British Journal of Politics and International Relations, published ahead of print,
Casiraghi, M.C.M. (2021, forthcoming), "Parties and mercenaries: Political attitudes in Italy and the United Kingdom during the Cold War 1945-1991", Journal of Cold War Studies.
Corda, T. (2021), "Not All Plain Sailing: The Highs and Lows of Iran's Scramble for the Horn of Africa", in C. Branco and F. Leandro, Geopolitics of Iran, London: Palgrave Macmillan.Singapore, pp. 485-529. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-3564-9_19
Corti, F. (2021) The Politicization of Social Europe: Conflict Dynamics and Welfare Integration, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Hemerijck, A. and Corti, F. (2021) "Re-balancing Social Europe after conservative reflex", in A. Hemerijck and M. Matzaganis, Stress-Testing the Welfare State: Seven Lessons from the Great Recession, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Vesan, P., Corti, F. and Sabato, S. (2021) "The European Commission's entrepreneurship and the social dimension of the European Semester: from the European Pillar of Social Rights to the Covid-19 pandemic", in Comparative European Politics, published ahead of print,
Ferrera, M, Madama, I. & Corti, F. (2021, forthcoming), "Social rights as resources of power in the multi-level structure of the EU: a proposal for conceptualization starting from the Youth Guarantee", Social Policies.
Huseynli, I. (2021), "Academic Freedom and University: The Case of Azerbaijan", in V. Frangville, A. Merlin, J. Sfeir, P.E. Van Damme(eds.), La liberté académique: principes, enjeux et menaces, Brussels: Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles, 133-143.
Lavorio, A. (2021), "Geography, Climate Change, National Security: The Case of the Evolving US Arctic Strategy", The International Spectator, 56 (1): 111–125,
Mandelli, M., Sabato, S., Jessoula, M. (2021), "EU Economic Governance and the Socio-Ecological Transition: Towards a More Sustainable European Semester?", Politiche Sociali, Social Policies, n. 3/2021, pp. 619-638.
Sabato, S. and Mandelli, M. (2021), "Integrating the Sustainable Development Goals into the European Semester: A governance conundrum for the von der Leyen Commission?", in Vanhercke, B., Sapsova, S. and Fronteddu, B. (eds.), Social Policy in the European Union: state of the play 2020: Facing the Pandemic, Brussels: European Social Observatory and European Trade Union Institute, pp. 113-132.
Sabato, S., Mandelli, M. and Vanhercke, B. (2021), "The Socio-Ecological Dimension of the EU Recovery: From the European Green Deal to the Recovery and Resilience Facility", Social Cohesion Learning Series, EUROsociAL Collection, n. 24, Madrid: EUROsociAL Programme.
Testini, F. (2021, forthcoming), "Genealogical solutions to the problem of critical distance: the case of punishment in transitional scenarios", Res Publica: A Journal of Moral, Legal and Political Philosophy.
Testini, F. (2021, forthcoming), Quel che rimane. Un'introduzione a Bernard Williams, Pisa: ETS.
Vignoli, V. (2021), "The Barking Dogs. Junior Coalition Partners and Military Operations Abroad in Italy", Italian Review of Political Science/Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 51 (1): 25-41,
Curini L. and Vignoli, V. (2021), "Committed moderates and uncommitted extremists: ideological leaning and parties' narrative over military interventions in Italy", Foreign Policy Analysis, 17 (3),
Coticchia F. and Vignoli, V. (2021, forthcoming), "Italian foreign policy: Still the days seem the same", in J. Joly and T. Haesebrouck, Foreign Policy Change in European Union Countries since 1991, Palgrave: London.
Bacchetta, S. (2020), "Reasons for Agreeing, Reasons for Complying: The Paris Agreement and the Compliance Issue", Rivista di estetica, 75, 72-83,
Bekana, D.M. (2020),"The Impact of Intergovernmental Transfers on Fiscal Behaviour of Local Governments in Ethiopia", ATAP Working Paper 19, Brighton,
Bekana, D.M. (2020), "Employment creation for youth in urban areas of developing countries: the Ethiopian experience", in Farazmand A. (ed) Global Encyclopaedia of Public Administration, Public Policy and Governance, Cham: Springer.
Bekana, D.M. (2020), "Policies of Gender Equality in Ethiopia: The Transformative Perspective", International Journal of Public Administration, 43(4): 312-325,
Bekana, D.M. (2020), "Does governance quality promote innovation in sub-Saharan Africa? An empirical study across 37 countries", Innovation and Development, 10(1): 21-44,
Bekana, D.M. (2020), "Innovation and economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa. Why institutions matter? An empirical study across 37 countries", Journal of Economic Theory and Practice,
Bliznakovski, J. and Petar T. (eds.) (2020), Ние наспроти другите: Симболички поделби во Северна Македонија (Us vs. Them: Symbolic Divisions in North Macedonia), Skopje: Center for Research of Nationalism and Culture.
Bliznakovski, J. (2020) "Наша, но не и ваша држава": Симболички поделби меѓу Македонците и Албанците во македонската политика ("Ours, but not yours state: symbolic divisions between Macedonians and Albanians in the politics of North Macedonia"), in J. Bliznakovski and Petar T. (eds.) Ние наспроти другите: Симболички поделби во Северна Македонија (Us vs. Them: Symbolic Divisions in North Macedonia), Skopje: Center for Research of Nationalism and Culture, pp. 119-139.
Bliznakovski, J. (2020), "Vote Buying/Selling (Western Balkans)", in A. Ledeneva (ed.) The Global Encyclopaedia of Informality, London: UCL Press,
Bliznakovski, J. (2020), "Party Soldiers (Western Balkans)", in A. Ledeneva (ed.) The Global Encyclopaedia of Informality, London: UCL Press,
Casiraghi, M.C.M. and Testini, F. (2020), "Appeals to authority in political rhetoric: Machiavelli in the Italian Parliament 1945-1994", Parliamentary Affairs, published ahead of print,
Carteny, G. (2020), "L'evoluzione del bipartitismo taiwanese, tra fratture politiche e incentivi istituzionali" ["The Evolution of Taiwanese Bipartisanship, between Political Fractures and Institutional Incentives"], OrizzonteCina, 11(1): 16-23,
Ceron, M., Palermo, C. M., & Salpietro, V. (2020), "Limiti e prospettive della gestione europea durante la pandemia da Covid-19", Biblioteca Della Libertà, 55(228),
Corti, F. and Vesan, P. (2020), "Social democracy, Social Europe and the 'post-Third way agenda': From the European Pillar of Social Rights to the Great Lockdown", Constellations, 27(4): 608-620,
Vandenbroucke, F., Keune, M., Ferrera, M. and Corti, F. (2020), "The rationale for and the nature and content of European social rights", Working paper EUSOCIALCIT Horizon project,
Testini, F. (2020), "Testing pragmatic genealogy in political theory: The strange case of John Rawls'", European Journal of Political Theory, published ahead of print,
Testini, F. (2020), "Profile: Bernard Williams", Aphex: Portale Italiano di Filosofia Analitica, 22,
Coticchia, F. and Vignoli, V. (2020), "Populist Parties and Foreign Policy: The Case of Italy's Five Star Movement", The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 22(3): 523-541,
Vignoli, V. (2020), "Where Are the Doves? Explaining Party Support for Military Operations Abroad in Italy", West European Politics, 43(7): 1455-1479,
Coticchia, f: and Vignoli, V. (2020), "Italian Political Parties and Military Operations Abroad: An Empirical Analysis of Voting Patterns", Government and Opposition, 2020, 55(3): 456-473,
Vignoli, V. (2020), "Constructing a Parliamentary Deployment Votes Database: Challenges of Data Indexing, Classification, and the Value of a Comparative Agenda", in Deschaux-Dutard (ed.) Methods in defence studies. A pluridisciplinary handbook, London and New York: Routledge.
Zuccarelli, G. (2020), "Illegal Immigration and Refugeehood at the Time of Covid-19: Rethinking Amnesties and Closed Borders", Biblioteca della libertà, 228: 1-26,
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Aslan, R.G. (2022), "Agency problems in the private pension system of Turkey: pension sector employee perspectives", Qualitative Research in Financial Markets, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
Corda, T. (2022). “Constraining compliance? Reconsidering the effect of
domestic veto players on sanctions success”, Defence and Peace Economics,
ahead of print. DOI: 10.1080/10242694.2022.2158288
Icardi, E. (2022), “Perché limitare l’eccessiva ricchezza individuale? Ragioni e problemi del limitarianesimo”, Biblioteca della libertà, n. 233, pp. 1-27, DOI 10.23827/BDL_2022_1.
Mandelli, M. (2022), “Understanding eco-social policies: A proposed definition and typology”, Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, vol. 28, n. 3, pp. 333–348.
Mandelli, M. (2022), “Mapping eco-social policy mixes for a just transition in Europe”, European Trade Union Institute, Working Paper 2022.15, Brussels: European Trade Union Institute, ISSN: 1994-4446 (print version), ISSN: 1994-4454 (electronic version).
Jessoula, M. and Mandelli, M. (2022), “Eco-Social Mobilization at the Supranational Level? The Case of ‘The Right to Energy for All Europeans’ Coalition”, in: Hvinden, B., Schøyen, M.A. and Leiren, M. (eds.), Social Policy and Climate Change: Towards Sustainable Welfare States in Europe, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 220-239.
Sabato, S., Mandelli, M. and Jessoula, M. (2022), “Towards an EU Eco-Social Agenda? From Europe 2020 to the European Green Deal”, in: Hvinden, B., Schøyen, M.A. and Leiren, M. (eds.), Social Policy and Climate Change: Towards Sustainable Welfare States in Europe, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 199-219.