Topic of the thesis: Female refugee and asylum seekers, and gender injustice: the "effacement", a new face of oppression.
Abstract: Women and girls refugee and asylum seekers face systematic gender-based abuses, violence and exploitation. European Institutions and public and private agencies have been making calls, but there is a general shortsightedness and a lack of normative literature regarding their specific gender injustices. It is argued that refugee and asylum-seeking women's experiences cannot be analyzed within previous studies of gender injustice: they do not grab the peculiarity of their injustices. Instead, the research moves within Young's oppression approach; and it aims to apply her five faces of oppression function for catching those women's experiences of injustice, although it is not wholly sufficient. It is proposed, to explain this phenomenon, the introduction of a sixth form of oppression, named effacement, and the idea that the European Union's policies on migration are the main cause of the injustices faced by these women and girls. The intention is to analyze and identify this particular injustice.
Research interests: Gender studies, justice and injustice, Feminism, intersectionality, migration.
Graduated from:Università degli Studi di Genova.
Degrees obtained: Master's Degree - Metodologie filosofiche Bachelor's Degree - Filosofia.
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