Topic of the thesis: Legal Recognition of Polyamorous Families: a Claim for Feasibility and Desirability
Abstract: The aim of my research proposal is twofold: to assess whether a path for legal recognition of polyamorous families is feasible; and to claim for the desirability of their legal recognition both from a neutralist and a perfectionist perspective. I shall address the topic from a socio-legal and a political philosophical perspective. From a socio-legal perspective, I shall analyse the process of transformation of family throughout the last two centuries, with the purpose to understand how this process has led to a greater diffusion and visibility of unconventional families - included polyamorous families - in Western societies. Then I shall investigate the main legal tools deployed by governments to face new challenges in the field of family, in order to ground further reflections about possible legal solutions for polyamorous families. In the second part of the work I shall frame the philosophical debate on recognition and regulation of unconventional families within the broader topic of the role of liberal states in matter of marriage and other forms of official validation of family. On the basis of a functional definition of family as a multipurpose association, I shall claim that liberal states can legitimately enforce some regulation of family, since they have an interest in protecting family as a relationships of care. Finally, I shall defend a claim for the desirability of legal recognition of polyamorous families, by developing a neutralist and a perfectionist argument and by rejecting some of the most common criticisms to polyamorous relationships.
Research interests:Political Philosophy; Philosophy of Law; Unconventional Families; Relationships of Care; Marriage; Rights of Sexual Minorities; Feminism
Graduated from: University of Bologna; Katatholieke Universiteit of Leuven (Erasmus).
Degrees obtained: Single-Cycle Master Degree in Law.
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