
POLS PVES Seminar - Jessica Rosco - 06/06/2024

 POLS PVES Seminars Series


Technocracy in the Spotlight: Unpacking Public Support for EU Interventions during Crises 
Jessica Rosco

6 June 2024, h.14.30
Seminar Room Conservatorio 
Via Conservatorio 7 - Milan 


This paper delves into the nuanced landscape of citizen support for EU policies during different crisis-situations, exploring variations across countries and investigating the influence of political attitudes, specifically the role played by technocratic support, in shaping public opinion. It argues that individuals with positive attitudes toward technocracy are more likely to endorse EU intervention, even when such interventions entail redistributive features, compared to both populists and proponents of party-based democracy.
Nevertheless, not every crisis demands technical solutions; some may necessitate political responses. A notable example is the refugee crisis, where a coordination among national governments is crucial. In such a scenario, one would anticipate that individuals with a technocratic mindset might show less support for EU intervention compared to situations like the Eurozone crisis. Using the SOLID 2021 dataset, this study aims to untangle the complex interplay between fluctuations in EU solidarity and individual attitudes toward diverse forms of democratic representation in different national contexts, thereby contributing to a comprehensive understanding of the factors shaping public support for EU interventions across a spectrum of crises.

This seminar is part of the POLS Parties, Voters & Elections  (PVES) Seminar Series
(Organizing Committee: Alessandro Pellegata, Jessica Rosco, Cristiano Vezzoni)

For an overview of the PhD Political Studies Seminar Series, click HERE


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