NASP, in cooperation with the Political Theory Project of the University of Milan, in pleased to announce
Brown Bag Seminars of Political Philosophy
Seminar series
14 MARCH 2017, h. 11.30
LEA YPI (London School of Economics)
Legitimacy, Dictatorship and Utopia: A Marxist Perspective on Political Obligation
Seminar Room (Conservatorio—1st Floor)
Department of Social and Political Sciences - University of Milan
Via Conservatorio, 7—Milan
30 MARCH 2017, h. 11.30
AMANDA GREENE (University College London)
Legitimacy Beyond the State
Seminar Room (Passione—2nd Floor)
Department of Social and Political Sciences - University of Milan
Via Conservatorio, 7—Milan
6 APRIL 2017, h. 11.30
ELISABETTA GALEOTTI (University of Piemonte Orientale)
Are Self-Deceivers Irrational, Wrong or Excusable?
Seminar Room (Conservatorio—1st Floor)
Department of Social and Political Sciences - University of Milan
Via Conservatorio, 7—Milan
4 MAY 2017, h. 11.30
IAN CARTER (University of Pavia)
Equal Liberty and Responsibility
Seminar Room (Passione—2nd Floor)
Department of Social and Political Sciences - University of Milan
Via Conservatorio, 7—Milan
29 MAY 2017, h. 11.30 - CANCELLED
SONJA AMADAE (Massachussets Institute of Technology and TINT, University of Helsinki)
From a Unified Social Ontology to a Unified World Order?
Seminar Room (Conservatorio—1st Floor)
Department of Social and Political Sciences - University of Milan
Via Conservatorio, 7—Milan
5 JULY 2017, h. 11.30
ALASIA NUTI (University of York)
Emancipation Through an Unjust Past
Seminar Room (Passione—2nd Floor)
Department of Social and Political Sciences - University of Milan
Via Conservatorio, 7—Milan
18 SEPTEMBER 2017, h. 11.30
HUGO DROCHON (University of Cambridge)
Raymond Aron's Machiavellian Liberalism
Seminar Room (Passione—2nd Floor)
Department of Social and Political Sciences - University of Milan
Via Conservatorio, 7—Milan
Scientific coordinators:
Corrado Fumagalli and Gianluca Pozzoni (NASP)
The Brown Bag Seminars of Political Philosophy integrates the rich variety of political philosophy events at NASP and the Department of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Milan. In this new series of colloquia, faculty and graduate students meet to discuss work in progress by senior and young scholars.
Central to this workshop is the emphasis on constructive discussion. For this reason, speakers will introduce briefly their papers and most of the seminar will be devoted to a Q&A session.
Papers will circulate one week prior to each session. To know more about the Brown Bag Seminars, please, write to Corrado Fumagalli
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and Gianluca Pozzoni
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